02 9199 9644

At Nordic Dental, we offer advanced implant treatment options to replace missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants are a popular solution for restoring the function and appearance of a patient’s smile, as they are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Our experienced team of dental professionals utilizes state-of-the-art technology to provide our patients with safe and effective implant treatment options.

The implant treatment process at Nordic Dental begins with a comprehensive examination and consultation to determine if dental implants are the right option for you. We use advanced 3D imaging technology to evaluate your oral health and bone structure and to design a customized treatment plan. Our team will discuss the various implant options available, including traditional dental implants, mini dental implants, and All-on-4 implant-supported dentures.

Once the treatment plan has been established, our team will perform the implant placement procedure using the latest techniques and technology. Our skilled and experienced dental professionals ensure that the process is comfortable and stress-free for our patients. After the implants are placed, a healing period of several months is required to allow the implants to fuse with the jawbone. Once the implants have fully integrated, our team will attach abutments and customized crowns or dentures to the implants to provide you with a beautiful and functional smile.